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Главная » 2012 » Август » 21 » Remote collar and control dogs
Remote collar and control dogs
How often do you want to let your dog out? Probably very often, especially in the summer, when the weather is good. In your garden with area for this purpose. Maybe in the field, or in the meadow, where you rest with your family.

Only your dog likes to run on the flower beds. Or it can get into the chicken coop to your neighbor, or just play with a strange company, which is resting next to you on the nature. And if your dog is not aggressive, and will not cause harm to anyone, so another person can hurt your dog, considering it to be around with them as a threat.

Sometimes it happens that someone`s cat is in your garden ...

You need a remote controlled collar, intelligent dog fences to control residential zones dog, 1076.

  The first thing that can be advised - a special collar with a remote control that allows you to give a command to your dog with the use of sound, vibration, or a weak electric discharge. This collar is adjusted to the desired level of exposure (the power of sound, vibration, discharge) and allows for a distance of 50, 100, 200, 300 meters and more, to calm down too mad dog. Training dogs is reduced to giving commands with a collar, to make necessary the conditioned reflex. Later, in the ambient noise or too far away your dog will not hear your voice, but the vibration or the discharge collar it will feel, which will help to encourage her in order. Remote allows you to work with a few collars at the same time. Adjusting the electric discharge has a very wide range, so you can to configure the device to a big or a small dog.

  But if you don`t exercise a dog, but just relax? Dog must to run and to frolic, to be healthy, while you want to relax in the shade of trees, cook grilled meat, talk to your friends. How wonderful to see frolicking in the meadow puppies, but it`s very hard to keep in one place two or three puppies. To avoid unpleasant conditions, it is necessary to control the dog`s seat and it`s behavior. While it`s necessary that you could relax, but not follow your pet.

  This device provides the training, and walking the one or a few dogs in a defined area. For this uses it`s device and a special collar. Practiced some commands, including security and being in the desired zone "seat", and with the collar of the animal produces the necessary reflexes and precise realization of the command, uses sound, or mild shock to help you train safely and walk your dog or dogs, if they`re few!

  Actually the essence of the device to restrict the movement of the dog by a certain place, for example, the dog was at the lawn, and did not go somewhere else. To do this, on the perimeter of the lawn stretched a special electrical cable (included 300 meters), and connected to the terminals of protective device. Then the dog is wore a special collar.

When the dog try to cross the "border" area, sounds the signal, and if the dog is trying to leave the control area produces a small electrical discharge. Thus, the dog will accustom after some training, and will be in the right place (on the lawn), but not on your flower beds. 300 meters of cable will create a square whit  a size of 75 x 75 meters or a circle with a diameter of 47 meters, which area will bemore than 5000 square meters. This is enough for a dogs walk: there is where to run and to frolic.

 First you need to teach your dog to respond to the approach to the set border, or it`s crossing. For this, the device is equipped with a special white flags. You need to place these flags on the perimeter of the laid wires. When the dog moves toward the flags, the collar will warn her about it. When the dog crosses the series of check boxes - discharge will cause it to come back. Usually, dog training doesn`t take a lot of time.

You can leave your dog for a walk, and be assured of its adequate behavior. The device does not cause undue stress or suffering of your pet. With this device can operate much more collars for dogs at a time, you must only buy an additional collar. The instrument also shows an open guard wires (if it happens).

If your dog suffers of heart disease, or any similar ailment, before use of the products, described above, it is reasonable to consult to veterinarian.

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