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Главная » 2012 » Август » 27 » DVR Security Camera with IR illumination
DVR Security Camera with IR illumination
Keeping up the theme of devices referred to in an earlier article, I want to describe more detail a security camera that does not require regular service and recharging the battery. You must agree that it is often difficult to provide regular trips to the countryside for service security devices.

Security DVR  Camera with IR illumination, motion detection, video recording and battery solar cell.

 The camera, which will be discussed, is as a mushroom look like, framed as a street light. Attached at the entrance to the house, under a sunshade or above the doorstep under the peak, for protection of precipitation. At the top, in a clear glass cover, on  the diffuser (reflector) installed 39 powerful LEDs. The cap of  glass cover is a flat circle plate with built-in solar cells.

   Below, in the cylindrical part, is the objective lens and sensor window movement. Under the cap at the bottom of is the mini USB connector and a slot for micro SD memory card.

  A mini camera attached to a special bracket, round surface to the wall or ceiling - depending on the needs. Rotary - the locking mechanism (look like a mechanism of Car Recorder and photographic tripod) can orient the camera in the desired direction and angle.

   This interesting gadget can rarely serve as a way to record information similar to some security devices and car video recorders. Recording on a memory card in a loop: old video fragments are deleted, if the deficit of space on your memory card. 10-second fragment is about 6 megabytes. So, if you install to the camera a memory card for 32 GB, you can have in stock more than 5,300 fragments of records. Even if we assume that the camera records at 100 pieces per day, archive records on the card will be maintained for almost two months until the old parts will be deleted.

Now, as to how you can use this camera, and where. Fixture with a motion detector will help deter a robber in the dark, get a video of people entering and exiting in your house in your absence. As you can see, two cameras on the facade look quite acceptable, even stylish.

   And here is an option when a camera is used as illumination in the dark, to not forget to switch off the light.

   The motion detector is easy to use and has many purposes to use, beside than the above mentioned:

It can be used at home, in the office, in the garage and in a country house, it does not require frequent maintenance. It`s comfortable in a dark porch to a periodic automatic backlight stairs or dark corridor as an alternative to a flashlight with PIR detector.

 Monitoring the cabinet, drawer, safe, or bookcase, to make sure that no one had been there in your absence. If the housemaid cleans your room, it is useful to know what actions she produced in it, and just check the integrity of her work. Strangers who came to repair the air conditioner or hang blinds also require supervision.

Set the camera to a small shop, to prevent the robber of inventories in cash desc and in stock.

Use in the office to keep a employees` detailed journal of actions at work in dangerous production for the purpose of compliance with safety and control of important documents or valuables, intrusion or store indoors.

Can be used as a batch video recorder while doing some work.

Finally, more information on the technical characteristics of this interesting and useful camera.

Waterproof camera with power lighting, motion detector and battery charging from the solar battery. The recording is in motion detector, rollers duration of 10 seconds with sound. Video quality of 640 x 480 pixels at 25 frames per second. If desired, you can set the shooting mode instead of shooting in JPEG format with a resolution of images 640 x 480 pixels. Interface to the computer USB cable. In the video, you can set the date and time stamp.

White LED with lighting: 10-25LUX
Image Sensor: CMOS
Aspect ratio: (can select recording or video recording)

When the memory card is removed the previous videos automatically - the so-called loop recording.

The motion sensor is working at a distance: 4-6 meters.
External memory: micro SD up to 32 GB

Number of LEDs: 39 pieces, lighting range of 4-7 meters.

Solar battery provides voltage: 5V with current 0.2A
AC adapter / charger: 5V / 1 Amp.
Li-polymer Battery: 2000 mA / h, provides the chamber for 7-8 hours. LEDs operate with a fully charged battery: 4-6 hours.
Current consumption: 560ma, MAX, so if desired, you can connect an external power supply and that will provide almost "eternal" camera work and lighting.
Operating temperature: -20-50 degrees. Storage temperature: -40 to +85 degrees.

-Camera Body: length 15 cm, radius: 5cm
Lamp: 12 cm, the radius of 15 cm

Set the camera to focus on the point of shooting. Passive infrared sensor (automatically detects heat and movement) will take care of the rest.

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